The project involved 269 citizens, notably 50 participants from the organization Regional Development Agency Komárno and the Town of Komárno (Slovak Republic), 60 participants from the organization Kisalföldi Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány (Hungary), 60 participants from the organization Vértes – Gerecse Vidékfejlesztési Közösség (Hungary), 15 participants from the association of Združenia obcí Most Priateľstva (Slovak Republic), 15 participants from the association of Združenia obcí Dolného Žitného ostrova (Slovak Republic), 15 participants from the Town of Dumbravita (Romania), 15 participants from the Association of Danube River Municipalities „Danube“ (Republic of Bulgaria), 15 participants from the Galeria Bielska BWA (Republic of Poland), 7 participants from the Town of Weissenfels (Federal Republic of Germany), 17 participants from the International Council for Cultural Centers (Republic of Bulgaria).
Location/ Dates: The event took place in the Town of Komárno in Slovak Republic, from 6th September 2013 till 8th September 2013
The day of 6th September 2013 was dedicated to acquaintance of the participants from partner organizations. Program started with the Round Table negotiations between mayors, entrepreneurs, folk craftsmen, third sector representatives and active citizens.
Subsequently, a welcoming ceremony of the quests from partner organizations was held.
Each partner presented their organization, village or town, their traditions, history, folklore, monuments. Thereafter, presentations of Pecha Kucha were held, within which the partners presented the creative fields they are working in and photos of their creative works. Some of the project participants presented traditional wines from their region at Wine Korzo.
In late afternoon hours project participants performed on open air stages, such as folk groups, dance groups, bands and singers of various genres until late night.
The day of 7th September 2013 was dedicated to cooperation between participants working in creative fields. “Street of handicrafts” was opened to the public from 9 AM till 6 PM at the Europe Place in Komárno, where some of the project participants exhibited their works and presented their handicraft techniques, other participants demonstrated preparation of their traditional gastronomy specialties and others presented their traditional wines at wine korzo. In the morning hours, the EU information stand was opened and presentation about EU was held at Europe Place in Komárno. Since 9 AM till 7 PM a stand with creative workshops for children was opened. Beside creative workshop activities, a crossword competition, children Pecha Kucha were held and also drawings on EU topic were being drawn for children. Each participant of the project contributed to the joint drawings with their fingerprints. A workshop on topic “Creative industries in partner countries” was held. Within this workshop partners presented good practice examples and exchanged their experiences. Traditional harvesting festivity from the region of Komárno was presented to the event participants. In the afternoon, participants presented their creative works through Pecha Kucha presentations, some of the participants presented folk dances and songs typical for their region, several participants were presenting dances and songs of various genres and theatre performances as well. “City Rock Band of Weissenfels” (German partner) performed on the open air stage in evening hours.
The day of 8th September 2013 was dedicated to project evaluation and discussion about future cooperation and joint projects. “Street of handicrafts” was opened to the public at Europe Place the whole day. Project participants participated in Go Kart races. The whole day creative workshops for children were open, crossword competition and children Pecha Kucha took place. Drawings on EU topic for children were being drawn. In the afternoon hours some of the participants presented dancing, singing and theatre performances, several presented their wines at Wine Korzo. Project participants attended sightseeing tour in Komárno, within which they visited the Fortress in Komárno, which is one of the biggest fortification systems in the world. Participants from “International Council for Cultural Centers” (Bulgaria) made a demonstration of traditional preparation of bread dough while singing and dancing their traditional folk songs. Thereafter they baked the traditional Bulgarian bread and the project participants were tearing the bread and sharing it, while the Friendship agreements were being signed as a symbol of the future cooperation.
Project participants working in creative industry filled in their contact data in the attendance list, which was scanned and sent out to each participant of the event in order to create their future cooperation and international network of creative industry in European Union.