The International Council for Cultural Centers is accepting participants for the First World Summit of Community Arts Centers and Networks, between September 24-27th, 2014, in the old historic city of Veliko Tarnovo.
The Office of International Programs (OIP) is home to the Study Abroad Program, International Internship Program, Fellowship Advising, and the Bridge Year Program. The OIP serves as Princeton University's primary resource for undergraduates seeking to gain experiences abroad and for undergraduates, graduating seniors, and alumni seeking to apply for fellowships and scholarships.
Social enterprises (SE) are businesses set up to tackle social or environmental needs: increasing their presence means providing SEES with the opportunity for a prosperous, fair, inclusive and environmentally sustainable future.
Traveler of the Year Nadezhda Savova with loaves of bread decorated with traditional Bulgarian patterns.
I3C officially established partnership with Harvard-based Cultural Agents Initiative at Harvard University, founded by Dr. Doris Somer who developed the Pre-Texts Methodology for Engaged Learning.