II International Congress on Culture and Social Transformation, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 17-19, 2011

The II International Congress on Culture and Social Transformation, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 17-19, 2011 is organized by the Latin American Network of Arts for Social Transformation, RLATS, www.artestransformador.net, an I3C assocaited network, together with the Municipality of Buenos Aires.

Bread-making at the Glove Factory as follow-up to the EU Culture 2020 Conference

The Culture 2020 Strategy Conference strenghtened an already forming partnership between I3C and the Budapest Observatory of Cultural Policies (www.budobs.org) with President Peter Inkei.  Emerging is a potential future international research and cooperation and capacity-building partnership aiming the revitalization of the national networks of publicly-funded community cultural centers in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia as the first countries that would later include more from the region. In relation to this project, Nadezhda Savova explored with Budobs experts community cultural centers around Budapest. The first one was Marczibányi Cultural Center ( Marczibányi Téri Muvelodési Központ), http://www.marczi.hu, specializing in theater in education techniques for all ages and home to the Kava Creative Group that has worked on various international theater and drama in education programs.

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